Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Nope, I'm not turning into a pirate. I'm just really frustrated. Pleiades is not being cooperative. My original version calls for multiple slip stitches, mostly into chain stitches. I really don't like doing that, so I've tried to rework it so that it comes out without all the slip stitches. It's relatively easy, but I'm one of those who has to actually see what I'm doing with the yarn before I try to write it down.

Changing to the non-slip stitch version has also introduced multiple pulling issues. The stupid thing won't lay flat. I'm thinking that the slip stitches are the way to go.
I've got some awesome testers working on it that I will use in the future with their consent.

I also somehow got the bright idea to test a second shawl at the same time. Wow, was that ever a bad idea! I have to take a break from Pleiades and write up the edging for Night's Candles. From now on, these go into the testing phase one at a time! *Sigh* I'll get this whole "designer" thing eventually. (Please, Lord!)

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About Me

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Missouri, United States
I am a full time stay-at-home mom and a complete yarnaholic. I'm married to my favorite husband and we have 3 beautiful daughters and a handsome baby boy. I learned to crochet at the age of 11 and have been doing it off and on ever since. I love crocheting and want to learn how to knit eventually.